Wordless Wonders

We are often asked about wordless picture books for numerous reasons. Some struggle to get to grips with this open-ended form of literature, others embrace its creative challenge to provide your own narrative. So here are are just some of our wordless wonders;

Another by Christian Robinson (Simon & Schuster)

Another‘ takes young readers on a wildly wordless and playful journey, using the physicality of the book to produce an entirely different perspective on a whole new world. With Robinson’s iconic use of vibrant collage and a fearless and unapologetic use of negative space, this is set to be another winning formula. Read our review.

The Mediterranean by Armin Greder (Allen & Unwin)

We’ve seen a number of politically charged picture books recently and this is one of the most uncompromising. ‘The Mediterranean‘ is a devastatingly poignant journey, played out in overwhelmingly atmospheric spreads. Read our review.

Lines by Suzy Lee (Chronicle Books)

Perhaps a seemingly simple premise, but one which has been exquisitely executed. A story which begins with a single pencil stroke & morphs into a truly creative and unexpected tale. Read our review.

Professional Crocodile by Giovanna Zoboli & Mariachiara Di Giorgio (Chronicle Books)

In this exquisitely illustrated wordless picture book we follow Mr. Crocodile on his way to work, in glorious colour, packed with wit and clever observations. But what does he do for a job? Read our review.

11249161_10153299750340446_5936317118021376663_nFootpath Flowers by JonArno Lawson & Sydney Smith (Walker Books)

A gentle but powerful story, this book touches on the ordinary in a most extraordinary way. We follow a girl collecting flowers whilst walking, she readily offers her floral tributes to a number of unsuspecting characters along the way. Read our review.

12108080_10153572423535446_9179768384452882476_nBird by Beatriz Martin Vidal (Simply Read Books)

A quirky book which appears to address numerous themes, including migration, family and finding your roots, works across a hugely diverse audience. With subtle references to birds migrating and only a digital clock to carry you through the story, this book is great to explore. Read our review.

11200811_10153320193655446_502293905186842790_nPool by JiHyeon Lee (Chronicle Kids)

Amidst the stunning, washed-out artwork, a young boy and girl meet at the swimming pool. An unsuspecting flourishing friendship that is set to continue well beyond their watery meeting place. Read our review.

Here I am by Patti Kim & Sonia Sánchez (Curious Fox Books)images

A poignant, hard hitting tale of how it feels to ‘up sticks’ and move to a new home, a new country and discover a new life with mixed emotions. Even without words, this graphically strong story clearly highlights the range of emotions that the boy in this book is feeling. Read our review.

10923300_10152961120625446_966095189953267695_nFollow the Firefly by Bernard Carvahlo (Book Island)

Here is a book which you can read from front to back AND from back to front, we kid you not! Two very separate stories but linked creatively together, which play out within the confines of the same tome. Read our review.

10978506_10153030300710446_6434661983977659764_nThe Umbrella by Ingrid & Dieter Schubert (Book Island)

We follow a dapper little terrier on his whirlwind adventure to far-flung places. The inquisitive pup finds a discarded red brolly and the moment he opens it, he and the umbrella are swept up into a wild and imaginative adventure. Read our review.

11249099_10153413236070446_4422019327136249769_nThe Whale by Ethan & Vita Murrow (Big Picture Press)

Fifty years after the alleged first sighting, two young intrepid explorers prepare for a truly magical sea adventure. Armed with all sorts of special equipment and cameras, the duo won’t be missing their chance to capture the incontrovertible proof that it’s actually out there. Read our review.

1722923_10152868218340446_2685235433453110334_nFlood by Alvaro F. Villa (Capstone Young Readers)

This story follows a family and the devastating effects of a flood on them and their home. Stunningly eery artwork shows as they prepare for the flood, then as they ultimately evacuate their home. Read our review.

If you haven’t succumbed to a wordless book yet, we urge you to do so and here’s a guide to help read a book with no words from those lovely folk at Chronicle Books.

4 thoughts on “Wordless Wonders

  1. These all look fantastic. I’ve used wordless picture books with older children at primary school. They’re a great exercise in inference and create some quite deep thought processes which help with their growing reasoning skills. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. Thank you for introducing me to some unusual titles. I always feel the wordless picture books are the most pure of picture books. Publishers are always timid about them as they say that parents want to see words in picture books for their children to learn. A great shame when you see what can be done, and how involving they can be for any reader.

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