Animals by Ingela P. Arrhenius (Walker Books)

cwmutcuwcaaqjdr If you’re not already au fait with the work of Swedish-born artist Ingela P. Arrhenius, then where on earth have you been?

Her beautifully conspicuous styling and clean, sharp lines are utterly iconic and make for truly appealing and engaging illustrations.

cwmuteqwcaa77kq‘Animals’ showcases Arrhenius’s work at its best. Her bold and varied choices of typography provide the perfect marriage to her stylish illustrations.

Arrhenius provides her own whimsical interpretation of each animal, paired with an empathetic choice of palette and associated typeface.

cwmuua5weaqdpf7Reminiscent of a timeless 1950s vintage picture book but with a fresh contemporary twist, this over-sized introduction to some of our best-loved animals would make a great starting point for little hands to explore.

To be honest, I’d love to frame each page for our walls!

cwmutcuwgaa8xcdI used this in the pre school where I work with a group of 15 children and it was well received by our 3-4 year olds.

They particularly enjoyed turning the hefty A3 pages and naming each very stylised animal.

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